Women's Suffrage

With her intellect and elegant speaking skills, Anna Howard Shaw changed the future of women all across America by helping give them the right to vote and be leaders in our country. Anna Howard Shaw was a great example of someone who used their wise words to get what many people wanted and finally got it in later years.

Women's Suffrage 

Out of many debates in history, most remember women's rights and how much women had to fight for their rights. They campaigned, made signs and even had a suffragist walk in New York City. It took over 40 years to get the 19th amendment and now at days men and women are consdidered equal, but some women weren't as lucky as women are today and never got to vote or have the respect women get. This is why I chose Women's Rights as my topic for National History Day and my main focus will be Anna Howard Shaw.

Picture to the left:

Picture up to the top left:http://www.heraldnet.com/article/20101003/NEWS01/710039941/1005/BIZ

Picture in the middle up top:

Picture on the far top right: http://www.photosofoldamerica.com/index.cfm/Suffragettes-Womens_Suffrage_March_133.htm